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Friday 15 February 2013

How to create a Yahoo Account in 11 Easy steps

1.First, what is Yahoo! Answers? Yahoo Answers is an asking/answering site where users communicate through questions, emails, and answers. This is the main site to get there.

2.If you already have a Yahoo! Answers account you can update your profile at the Answers section or page.

3.Make sure you are signed on your Yahoo accountGo to the page given on the first step, and you will notice on the left hand side, on the top, there will be a small box that will say "Ready To Participate? Get Started!" Click that

4.Now you will see a page that will have "Choose your nickname.

","Choose A picture.", "Choose A Email Address.", "Privacy", and "Email Communications from Yahoo! Answers".

5.The first; "Choose Your Nickname" is pretty self explanatory, you have three choices, you can make up a nickname [example: Jennifer ♥ You!] or you can use your Yahoo ID when you signed up, or use your 360 account name.

6.Next, picture. If you do not have a 360 account, you will not know what your doing at this point. You will see three choices, "No Picture", "Use my 360 Account Picture" or "Use My Yahoo! Avatar". This is fully your decision, but if you want a cartooned animated version of yourself that you would be willing to create, click the blue highlighted link under "Use My Yahoo! Avatar" that says "Edit my Yahoo! Avatar." If you just want a picture, click on the first instruction, that will say "Get My 360 account now!".

7.Now that you have your picture, choose your other options, and click "Continue.".

8.You will now get a small little entree page to Yahooanswers, read, and proceed.

9.You will now see you only have 100 points, and your statusYour now done, if you want to know how to spruce up your profile, continue reading.

10.Click "Edit My Info". Scroll down until you see "About Me". Write a little bit about yourself, you can be simple, just say "If you want to know anything, please email or be my fan.".

11.You are now ready to explore Yahoo! Answers. Have fun, and good luck.

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